12 February 2025

This week we had a go at making our own side-stitched (or ‘stab stitched’) sketchbooks. We made one with drawing paper (folded paper and with a cover) and one with watercolour paper (single sheets of paper and no cover so as to speak - the top page is the cover). 

We also worked on our saddle stitch books including a beautifully textured book that has been put together with three sets of saddle-stitched papers (two folded papers in each set), and put together by stitching up the spines of each, and then with a stiff cover added by glueing it to the outer pages and adding small bits of fabric to act as ‘hinges’; this book has started to be filled up with colour coordinated abstracted square designs using mixed media. And we also have a marvellous orange saddle stitched book, that may be filled with all things orange!  

One person has started to fill their saddle stitched book with brightly drawn scenes from the south of France, using coloured pencil and fine liner pen. Also we have a very well observed and delicately drawn grouping of daffodils (hard to draw!). And last but not least, experimental textured chimney stacks in pen that have so much life and character to them. 

Thank you everyone, for a really fabulous session, and thank you for working so hard on your sketchbooks!