Today we drew from a group still life. Some wonderful items were brought in including some really characterful dolls, but possibly ‘Sooty’ stole the show! The bugle playing was also absolutely fantastic, and those that stayed until literally the very end got a real musical treat! Thank you everyone for taking the trouble to bring in items to draw.
We did continuous line drawings without looking at our paper and with our non-dominant hand to warm up. Then we used all sorts of media: pencil, paint, watercolour paint and ink, to really get stuck in to creating artwork based on the still life. The images produced are all so interesting, lots of different approaches and techniques used, and beautifully observed final pieces.
Some of us continued working on mark-making, using coloured water, ‘Inktense’ pencils and sticks, and cotton buds. Really creative and inventive marks and effects were produced on sample sheets. Gorgeous work. Well done everyone, thank you again for another marvellous session.