4 July 2022

This week we have delicious cabbage; wonderful clouds in the sky; comforting bedtime tea; and beautiful wild flowers at the beach. All drawings of our wonderful lives.

‘All the wonders of life are available in the present moment—the sunshine, the fresh air, the trees, the multitude of colours and forms all around us. The essential thing is to be aware. If we open our eyes, we will see.’ - Thich Nhat Hanh

If we look, we can indeed see that there are many wonders in our lives. For example, this week I have been looking at the wonders of washing up liquid and seeing that I am lucky that I can go to the shop and buy washing up liquid with money that I have in my purse. Maybe I should draw the washing up liquid!

What ‘wonders’ can you see if you ‘open your eyes’ in places where you may not have done before?