This week we have a lovely view of some trees through an open door, a trusty pair of embroidery scissors, wonderful washing (when you really pay attention to washing on the line, does it not seem like it’s dancing?!), a group of people meditating, and a loved partner drawing in a sunny apple orchard.
One person has reported that they are enjoying the weekly sessions, practising with drawing in a mindful manner; they say, ‘it’s such a good way to realise when your’e not being [mindful]’. Drawing mindfully, with attention and awareness in the present moment, is indeed a fun practise! And all we are doing is noticing, and then having more fun!
Each week you can make your drawing in any way you like. As requested by some people, I provide a focus for those that want it: this week as you draw, notice where your attention is; is it on your subject matter, on your drawing, on your breathing, on the sensations in your hand as you draw? Do thoughts come into your mind such as something you have to do later, or a worry that you have, or is there a negative judgemental voice in your head criticising your drawing? Notice everything and then bring your attention back to your breathing, your body, your artwork and your subject matter. After, you can make notes on what you saw if you wish.
‘You will learn to enjoy the process... and to surrender your need to control the result. You will discover the joy of practising your creativity. The process, not the product, will become your focus’ - Julia Cameron