11.61 metres around the world

Thank you all again for your wonderful, heartfelt, drawings. We are definitely on the road to spreading our drawings of what we love around the world. I hope you enjoyed last week’s focus of looking at the light and shadow of your subject.

This week, pay attention to what your subject matter is made of. What do you notice about what it is made of? Is it a natural material? Has it been human-made? Where has it come from, where has it been made or grown? Did the forces of nature make it, or has it been handmade by a person, or, maybe in a factory? Is it composed of different materials? Is it warm or cold? Hard or soft? Rough or smooth? Does it grow or change, or is it more static? Can you imagine being that substance or substances? What would that feel like? Can you connect with, and appreciate, the materials and substances that your subject matter is made up whilst you are drawing it.

‘To linger in the observation of things, other than the self, implies a profound conviction of their worth’ - Charles-Damain Boulogne